Legazpi City

2:27 PM Markee Lakwatsero 0 Comments

My first time in Legazpi City. It was 3 days after typhoon Noona and the weather was either rainy or cloudy. Good thing it did not rain that hard. It was off and on rain. When my plane landed Thursday I was expecting to see Mount Mayon. Apparently, Mayon did not appeared. Thick clouds hovered the skies.

However, it did not stop me to do what I plan. I immediately started my first adventure- The ATV. Your Brother ATV tour company pick me up at the airport and in 10 minutes we are already at the site. Here are their rates:

There are 2 ATV company in Legazpi and the one I took was the nearest in the airport and I felt like a celebrity when they offered to pick me up at the airport with their Ford SUV car. I took the Mayon ATV Challenge (medium) since I am on a budget. I have already tried ATV in Boracay and seen them in my hometown Cebu as well but the one in Legazpi was just amazing. The trail was a river with volcanic rocks along and the view of Mayon is just spectacular. It was just something new to me. 

Supposedly, I planned to stay in Legazpi for just half a day and proceed to Sorsogon for my next adventure there. But since my Hotel texted me that electricity and internet is still not stable, I opted to stay overnight in Legazpi. I stayed at Mayon Backpackers for only P350 per night. Not bad at all. Just fits my budget.

And take note, during my stay there I am the only Filipino guest they have. The rest are all foreigners. My stay was not really that good because the foreigners were really stinky. I dont mind not getting enough sleep but having untidy, rubbish smell around disgusts me.  And since I am working online I have to make sure that I have the fastest internet connection. Both my pocket wifi's (Globe & Smart) are really slow maybe due to the recent typhoon Noona's passing. However, Mayon Backpacker has a PLDT landline Wifi which only works fast in the Lounge area. So I stayed there the whole night just to work. It was a sleepless night but I was more excited what will happen next days for my adventure.

After work around 8am Friday, I immediately thought of what adventure to do next in Legazpi. So I checked out at Mayon Backpackers and I went to Cagsawa ruins. With the locals instructions, I took a jeep going to Guinobatan and told  the driver to drop me at Cagsawa. Travel time was around 30 mins. At Cagsawa, took a pedicab and paid P20 for the special trip to the ruins. Travel time is less than 10 mins. 

Mayon Volcano still did'nt showed up on my visit. 

Since, I have to secure to have a
better internet connection for tonight's online, again I opted to stay in Legazpi. I found a better stay at Legazpi Amigos Hometel for P800 per night. Rate is much higher than Mayon Backpackers but this time the room is just mine, very clean and spacious and most of all Wifi is accessible inside the room. Just perfect!

After my Friday night's work, came saturday. I am so excited to go for my next adventure. I checked out at the hotel and I went to the Train Station. Everytime I asked the locals how to get there, they are astonished. It seems that they dont consider their train station a tourist spot. Well, I am from cebu and we dont have trains in Cebu and for me their train station (with a function train) is indeed a tourist attraction. So I took a jeep and told the driver to drop me at the train station. When I arrived there around 9am, it was quiet. The trains were just there on the track resting. The next scheduled ride will be at 5:30pm. So there are no photobombers and the area is all mine for photoshoots LOL. 

My Sorsogon hotel texted me again that electricity is stable in Sorsogon. Since it is already a weekend and day off, internet is no more an issue. So I went off to Sorsogon. Please check my Sorsogon trip soon. 

Have a good day guys! 😊😊😊


Davao Adventure: Goes to Samal and Mati

1:36 AM Markee Lakwatsero 11 Comments

It will be my very first time in Davao City and no words can describe how I feel. I have always heard about the place and now that I have the time to go there, I have to make the most of it. I was with my pretty travel buddy-- Michelle. We only have 3 days and 2 nights for this adventure.


We were welcomed with the terrible Haze from Indonesia. We did not knew we already landed till the the plane touchdown the runway. The haze was really thick and it smells like a burning coppras. However, It did not stop me to take my usual towchdown pic in from of the Davao International Airport lol...

After that confident topless pose at the airport, we head straight to Samal Island. Going there, we took a taxi and stop at the port for Paradise Resort. There, we meet my other friends from Davao-- Jexx and Bench. All of us 4 took a medium sized-banca ride to Samal and it was deadly rough ride. I could remember how the boat dives (nose dive) confidently with the waves while we (the passengers) were at our seats scared lol.
The boat fare cost P15. Finally we landed in Samal. We paid P150 for the entrance fee since we are entering Paradise Resort. There, we ordered for lunch.

After that sumptous lunch, we were supposedly to swim at their amazing white sand turquoise beach but the sea was very hostile so we head to another resort instead to continue the fun and adventure. First we went to Hagimit Falls. It was just too bad because the waters were supposedly bluish colored but it was murky. They even offered half the price entrance of P20 (from P40). We tried to get inside but to our dismay it was indeed murky. We just took a pic outside with the tarpaulin of the magnificent falls.

After that, we went to Maxima Resort. We arrived there around 4:30 pm and we were advised that their water activity facilities will be closed at 5pm. Entrance was P200.  The 30 minutes was like 3 hours of enjoyment. We immediately started the water activities as quick as we could. It was extremely FUN!! Where could you experience a slide and ended up in the ocean? And jump off a cliff and ended up in a huge ballon trampoline? Indeed it was the greatest and memorable despite of the bad weather. If you are with friends, everything will be alright.

We now head back to Davao City via Roro Vessel. Then we had our dinner Tiny Kitchen as recommended by our friends. There we meet our other friends Ally and Nove.

Who would not resist eating durian in Davao? Eating Durian in Davao is like drinking water. We had this fruit after dinner and a kilo of lanzones.I dont like durian but  for the sake of friendship, I took a bite. Then I switch eating lanzones LOL..

We ended the night with a little cocktail drink at Matina Square. We arrived there at 11:30pm and we ordered mojitos. I am not really a drinker but since they like mojitos, I copied their order LOL. In Davao, drinking alcohol is banned after 12 midnight. So our order was also the last order.

Day 2.

Off to Mati City, Davao Oriental. We left around 2 am onboard a regular bus. We were waiting for the aircon but we don't have much time. Since the regular bus was there, we went off then. It was an early cold morning so we did not mind of the open bus. Regular Bus fare was P250 one way. Aircon Bus cost P270 one way. We travelled for 5 hours and we arrived 7am in Mati. What to do when when I arrived in Mati but SELFIE everyone? LOL

Then, we took our breakfast at Jollibee. After we took  20 minutes tricycle to Dahican Beach. Walah!! Here are some lovely pics with my friends and see how stunning this place is..

Four of us.. the lakwatsero, bakasyonista and the Byahero :-)

28.. 29.. TURKEY!! pose for my friend Michelle..

Going to Mati specifically Dahican was one of the best place I have been. It was truly breatheless and amazing. For sure I will come back.


General Santos City: Gateway to Lake Sebu & Sarangani

10:03 AM Markee Lakwatsero 2 Comments

General Santos City is the capital city of the province of South Cotabato. It is also the gateway to my adventure to the southern most part of Mindanao. Budget for this trip is only P5,000. I stayed at Isabela Lourdes Pension House for P495 aircon room per night. Upon arrival in General Santos City Airport I immediately started my adventure. Here is the account of my trip:

1st Day:
Zipline at the 7 Falls, Lake Sebu.

Lake Sebu is a famous tourist spot at the same time one of the municipalities of South Cotabato.

From the airport, ride a jeep for P50 (each) to Bulaong Terminal. From the Bulaong Terminal, you may take either a van/bus to Koronadal City. Travel time is approximately 1 hour. Tell the driver to drop you at the Koronadal Bus Terminal. Take a Van ride to Lake Sebu. Travel time is 45 mins. Tell the driver to drop you off at the entrance of 7 Falls. From there take a Habal2x ride at the entrance and tell the driver to bring you to the zipline area. One way habal2x ride cost P40. You may inform the driver to wait for you and bring you back at the highway. Zipline cost P200 and if you want them to shot your pics it will cost additional P250. They will use their DSLR cam and pics are indeed on very high resolution. After, back to General Santos City and stayed at Isabella Pension House.

2nd Day:
White Water Tubing & Visit Pawikan Hatchery at Maitum, Sarangani.

Maitum is one of the municipalities of Sarangani.

Take a Van ride from the KCC Mall Terminal bound for Maitum. Travel time is 1 hour. Tell the driver to drop you off at the corner street for the white water tubing. From there, Take a habal2x ride to the briefing area. You may inform the driver to wait for you. The activity cost P200 and will take around 30 mins. You may also avail help from them to take your pics for ONLY P50 (using your own cam/phone) and they will take care of all the angles and actions. From the briefing area, tell the driver to take you to the pawikan hatchery area. There is no entrance fee but you can give any amount for donation. Tell the driver to take you to the Terminal and take a Van back to General Santos
City and stayed at Isabella Pension House. 

For Habal2x services in Lake Sebu, you may contact Mr. Oprik 0926-122-2207 for affordable rides.

3rd Day:
Glan, Sarangani

Glan is another municipality of Sarangani Province. Gumasa is a barangay in Glan which is famous for its "Boracay looking" beaches.

Take a Van ride at the KCC Mall Terminal or take a tricycle ride at Lagao Terminal. Travel time is around 1 hour. From Glan, take a Habal2x ride to Gumasa.

I took the tricycle ride which is so uncomfortable as the seat has no foam and it was indeed "siksikan" due to the vehicle is small. Later did I know that there is Van going there at the KCC Mall Terminal. Lesson learned.

Upon arrival at Glan proper, since all passengers already disembarked, the driver offered to bring me to Gumasa. His offer is just the same if I took a habal2 ride so I said Yes. He asked which resort am I going to stay? I told him to bring me to the best beach in Gumasa. Along the highway, I am already seeing the white sand, bluish turquoise beaches. Then I passed by White Haven Beach Resort where I stayed for a day. It actually met my expectation. It has long shoreline, white powdery sand, and the water is just so stunning. There were less beach goers which is what I like because the beach is all mine. No photobombers.. just me! LOL

After, back to General Santos City and stayed at Isabella Pension House.